Explore the Mysterious lore of FNAF
Scorching Chica is a fiery skin variant of the beloved animatronic Chica, introduced during the “Sizzling Summer” event in FNaF AR: Special Delivery. This version of Chica abandons...
Broiler Baby is one of the unique skins introduced in FNaF AR: Special Delivery, offering a fiery, industrial twist to the original character, Circus Baby. Released during the “Sizzling...
Flamethrower Bare Endo is a fiery and industrial-themed skin introduced in FNaF AR: Special Delivery as part of the “Sizzling Summer” event. This version of the Bare Endoskeleton,...
VR Toy Freddy is a visually striking and thematically immersive skin introduced in FNaF AR: Special Delivery during the 8-Bit Event. This version of Freddy Fazbear reimagines the character...
Highscore Toy Chica is a digital, arcade-inspired skin introduced in Five Nights at Freddy’s AR: Special Delivery during the 8-Bit Event. This skin is a retro reimagining of Toy Chica,...