Phone Guy FNAF 2

Phone Guy representation

Phone Guy: The Voice of Guidance and Mystery in Five Nights at Freddy’s 2

In Five Nights at Freddy’s 2, Phone Guy returns as a familiar but mysterious voice, guiding the player through the harrowing nights at the newly opened Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. Though he seems to be a helpful presence, providing instructions and warnings, Phone Guy’s background and the information he shares (or withholds) add layers of intrigue to the series’ lore. His role in FNaF 2 is crucial, as it bridges the narrative between the first game and the broader storyline of the FNaF universe.

Phone Guy’s Background: A Veteran of the Franchise

Phone Guy’s identity remains largely anonymous, but his voice has become iconic within the FNaF community. He is implied to be a long-time employee of Fazbear Entertainment, having extensive knowledge of the animatronics, their behavior, and the inner workings of the pizzeria. This knowledge suggests that he has likely experienced or at least been aware of the company’s dark history, making him more than just a simple instructor.

  • Experience and Authority: Phone Guy’s tone and demeanor suggest he’s been around for a long time. He speaks with a level of authority and familiarity with the animatronics that indicates he’s been through similar situations before. His role as the night shift trainer implies that he has survived at least one previous iteration of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, potentially the one seen in the first game.
  • Survivor of Past Incidents: Given that FNaF 2 is a prequel to the first game, set in 1987, it’s possible that Phone Guy has witnessed—or at least been closely involved in—the traumatic events that have occurred within Fazbear Entertainment, including the infamous Bite of ’87. His calm and somewhat detached tone when discussing dangerous situations might reflect his own experiences surviving these horrors.

Phone Guy’s Role in FNaF 2: Guide and Warning

Throughout FNaF 2, Phone Guy serves as a guide, offering the player advice on how to survive each night. However, his messages also contain subtle hints and warnings about the true nature of the pizzeria and its animatronics.

  • Instructions on Surviving: Phone Guy provides critical information about how to deal with the various animatronics, including the new Toy Animatronics, the Withered Animatronics from the previous location, and the Puppet. His advice often focuses on practical strategies, such as using the Freddy mask to trick the animatronics and keeping the music box wound up to avoid the Puppet’s attack.
  • Hints at the Dark History: As the nights progress, Phone Guy’s messages become more ominous. He references past incidents, such as the previous location being closed down due to complaints and lawsuits, hinting at the tragedies that have plagued Fazbear Entertainment. He also mentions that the animatronics have been acting unpredictably and that there’s something unsettling about their behavior, particularly at night.
  • The Bite of ’87: One of the most significant pieces of lore Phone Guy references is the Bite of ’87, an incident where one of the animatronics bit a customer, severely injuring them. This event is a key moment in the FNaF timeline, leading to tighter restrictions on animatronics, such as their facial recognition systems. Phone Guy’s casual mention of this event underscores the danger the player is facing.

Phone Guy’s Final Call: A Grim Fate?

In FNaF 2, Phone Guy’s calls continue until Night 6, when he makes his final transmission. This last message is particularly chilling, as it suggests that something has gone horribly wrong at the pizzeria.

  • A Sudden Change in Tone: On Night 6, Phone Guy’s tone becomes more urgent and concerned. He mentions that the pizzeria is going into lockdown, with no one allowed in or out, especially concerning the “old” animatronics. He advises the player to be extra cautious and seems to be aware that the situation is deteriorating rapidly.
  • The Fate of Phone Guy: While Phone Guy does not explicitly mention what happens to him, the abrupt end to his calls and the escalating danger imply that he may have met a grim fate. Given that he is heard again in the first FNaF game, which takes place later, it’s possible that he survived the events of FNaF 2, but his fate after FNaF 1 remains unclear. The theory that Phone Guy is killed by an animatronic is supported by his final call in the first game, where noises suggest an attack right before the call cuts off.

Theories and Speculation: Who is Phone Guy?

The identity of Phone Guy has been a subject of much speculation in the FNaF community. While he is clearly an employee of Fazbear Entertainment, some fans have theorized that he could be more deeply connected to the company’s darker side.

  • Could Phone Guy be a Former Security Guard? Given his detailed knowledge of the animatronics and security protocols, some fans speculate that Phone Guy might have once been a night guard himself. This would explain his familiarity with the dangers the player faces each night.
  • Connection to William Afton? Some theories suggest that Phone Guy could be connected to William Afton, the main antagonist of the series. Afton, also known as the Purple Guy, is responsible for the murders that led to the hauntings within the animatronics. While there’s no direct evidence to support this theory, the idea that Phone Guy might be aware of or complicit in Afton’s actions adds another layer of mystery to his character.
  • A Victim of Circumstance? Alternatively, Phone Guy might simply be another victim of the horrors of Fazbear Entertainment, trying to navigate and survive in a company with a deeply troubled history. His calm demeanor might be a coping mechanism developed after years of working in such a dangerous and eerie environment.

Legacy of Phone Guy: A Voice That Echoes Through the Series

Phone Guy’s legacy in the FNaF series is significant. He is one of the few recurring characters across multiple games, and his voice has become synonymous with the tension and dread that define the series.

  • A Source of Comfort and Fear: For many players, Phone Guy’s voice is both a source of comfort and fear. While he provides crucial guidance, his presence also reminds players of the dangers they face. His calm, almost casual tone when discussing life-threatening situations adds to the unsettling atmosphere of the games.
  • Continuity Across Games: Phone Guy’s presence in both FNaF 1 and FNaF 2 helps to tie the games together, providing a sense of continuity in a series filled with fragmented and mysterious lore. His calls offer insights into the timeline and events that have shaped the FNaF universe.
  • The Enduring Mystery: Despite his frequent appearances, Phone Guy remains one of the series’ most enigmatic characters. His fate, his identity, and his true knowledge of the events at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza continue to be topics of speculation, ensuring that he remains a central figure in the FNaF lore.

Night 1

Uh, hello? Hello, hello? Uh, hello and welcome to your new summer job at the new and improved Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. Uh, I’m here to talk you through some of the things you can expect to see during your first week here and to help you get started down this new and exciting career path.

Uh, now, I want you to forget anything you may have heard about the old location, you know. Uh, some people still have a somewhat negative impression of the company. Uh… that old restaurant was kind of left to rot for quite a while, but I want to reassure you, Fazbear Entertainment is committed to family fun and above all, safety. They’ve spent a small fortune on these new animatronics, uh, facial recognition, advanced mobility, they even let them walk around during the day. Isn’t that neat? (clears throat) But most importantly, they’re all tied into some kind of criminal database, so they can detect a predator a mile away. Heck, we should be paying them to guard you.

Uh, now that being said, no new system’s without its… kinks. Uh… you’re only the second guard to work at that location. Uh, the first guy finished his week, but complained about… conditions. Uh, we switched him over to the day shift, so hey, lucky you, right?

 Uh mainly he expressed concern that certain characters seemed to move around at night, and even attempted to get into his office.

 Now, from what we know, that should be impossible.

 Uh, that restaurant should be the safest place on earth.

 So while our engineers don’t really have an explanation for this, the working theory is that… the robots were never given a proper “night mode”.

 So when it gets quiet, they think they’re in the wrong room, so then they go try to find where the people are, and in this case, that’s your office. So our temporary solution is this: there’s a music box over by the Prize Counter, and it’s rigged to be wound up remotely. So just, every once in a while, switch over to the Prize Counter video feed and wind it up for a few seconds. It doesn’t seem to affect all of the animatronics, but it does affect… one of them.

 -clears throat Uh, and as for the rest of them, we have an even easier solution. You see, there may be a minor glitch in the system, something about robots seeing you as an exoskeleton without his costume on, and wanting to stuff you in a suit, so hey, we’ve given you an empty Freddy Fazbear head, problem solved! You can put it on anytime, and leave it on for as long as you want.

 Eventually anything that wandered in, will wander back out.

Uh, something else worth mentioning is kind of the modern design of the building. You may have noticed there are no doors for you to close, heh. But hey, you have a light!

 And even though your flashlight can run out of power, the building cannot. So, don’t worry about the place going dark.

 Well, I think that’s it. Uh, you should be golden. Uh, check the lights, put on the Freddy head if you need to, uh, keep the music box wound up, piece of cake. Have a good night, and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

Night 2

Ah…hello, hello! Uh, see, I told you your first night wouldn’t be a problem. You’re a natural!

Uh, by now I’m sure you’ve noticed the older models sitting in the back room. Uh, those are from the previous location.

 We just use them for parts now. The idea at first was to repair them…uh, they even started retrofitting them with some of the newer technology, but they were just so ugly, you know? The smell…uh, so the company decided to go in a whole new direction and make them super kid-friendly. Uh, those older ones shouldn’t be able to walk around, but if they do, the whole Freddy head trick shoud work on them too, so, whatever.

Uh…heh…I love those old characters. Did you ever see Foxy the pirate? Oh wait, hold on…oh yeah, Foxy. Uh, hey listen, that one was always a bit twitchy, uh…I’m not sure the Freddy head trick will work on Foxy, uh. If for some reason he activates during the night and you see him standing at the far end of the hall, just flash your light at him from time to time. Those older models would always get disoriented with bright lights. It would cause a system restart, or something. Uh, come to think of it, you might want to try that on any room where something undesirable might be. It might hold them in place for a few seconds. That glitch might be in some of the newer models too.

One more thing – don’t forget the music box. I’ll be honest, I never liked that puppet thing. It was always…thinking, and it can go anywhere…I don’t think a Freddy mask will fool it, so just don’t forget the music box.

Anyway, I’m sure it won’t be a problem. Uh, have a good night, and talk to you tomorrow.

Night 3

Hello hello! See? I told you you wouldn’t have any problems!

Did…uh… Did Foxy ever appear in the hallway? Probably not. I was just curious. Like I said, he was always my favorite. They tried to remake Foxy, ya know? Uh, they thought the first one was too scary

, so they redesigned him to be more kid-friendly and put him in Kid’s Cove. To keep the toddlers entertained, you know… But kids these days just can’t keep their hands to themselves. The staff literally has to put Foxy back together after every shift. So eventually they stopped trying and left him as some “take apart and put back together” attraction. Now he’s just a mess of parts. I think the employees refer to him as just “The Mangle.” Uh…

Oh, hey, before I go, uh, I wanted to ease your mind about any rumors you might have heard lately. You know how these local stories come and go and seldom mean anything. I can personally assure you that, whatever is going on out there, and however tragic it may be, has nothing to do with our establishment. It’s just all rumor and speculation… People trying to make a buck. You know…

 Uh, our guard during the day has reported nothing unusual. And he’s on watch from opening til close.

Okay, well anyway, hang in there and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.

Night 4

“Hello? Hello? Uh, hey there, night four! I told you you’d get the hang of it!

Ok, so uh, just to update you, uh, there’s been somewhat of an, uh, investigation going on.

 Uh, we may end up having to close for a few days… I don’t know. I want to emphasize though that it’s really just a precaution. Uh, Fazbear Entertainment denies any wrongdoing.

 These things happen sometimes. Um… It’ll all get sorted out in a few days. Just keep an eye on things and I’ll keep you posted.

Uh, just as a side note though, try to avoid eye contact with any of the animatronics tonight if you can. Someone may have tampered with their facial recognition systems – we’re not sure. But the characters have been acting very unusual, almost aggressive towards the staff. They interact with the kids just fine, but when they encounter an adult, they just…stare.

Uh…Anyways, hang tight. It’ll all pass. Good night!

Night 5

Hello, hello? Hey, good job, night 5! Um hey, um, keep a close eye on things tonight, ok? Um, from what I understand, the building is on lock down, uh, no one is allowed in or out, y’know, especially concerning any…previous employees. Um, when we get it all sorted out, we may move you to the day shift, a position just became…available.

 Uh, we don’t have a replacement for your shift yet, but we’re working on it. We’re going to try to contact the original restaurant owner. Uh, I think the name of the place was “Fredbear’s Family Diner” or something like that.

 It’s been closed for years though, I doubt we’ll be able to track anybody down. Well, just get through one more night! Uh, hang in there! Goodnight!

Night 6

Hello? Hello…uh…what on earth are you doing there, uh didn’t you get the memo, uh, the place is closed down, uh, at least for a while. Someone used one of the suits. We had a spare in the back, a yellow one, someone used it…now none of them are acting right.

 Listen j-just finish your shift it’s safer than trying to leave in the middle of the night. Uh we have one more event scheduled for tomorrow, a birthday. You’ll be on day shift, wear your uniform, stay close to the animatronics, make sure they don’t hurt anyone okay

, uh for now just make it through the night, uh when the place eventually opens again I’ll probably take the night shift myself. Okay, good night and good luck.

Click the following link for more: Five Nights at Freddy’s 3 Transcript